- 'Nilla
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
If you have a vanilla colored pet, 'nilla is great!
Submitted by: susan at 23.02.2008
- Adrenilan
Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex
If your pet is one big burst of energy what other name would be best than this?
Submitted by: bommer at 26.04.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Shes black with white paws. She likes too hop alot and she hopped on my head once.
Submitted by: Hails at 24.03.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Well i was walking to the pet store because just resently my cat died.I ended up choosing the one with white feet. After I went back out it had rained and there was a GIGANTIC mud puddle my new pet was a cat so she desidied to jump in it after that her white feet had just turned black.
Submitted by: Elizabeth at 01.04.2007
- Brazos
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Our mongrel boys coat is the same red/muddy color as the Brazos river which runs through Texas. For the correct pronunciation ck out Lyle Lovett\'s music.
Submitted by: jz at 21.09.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Well, I've got a dog on the game Nintendogs on Nintendo DS. I got a beagle and she was SO cute! She was sweet and bubbly- thus, I named her Bubbles! Now I am getting a real puppy, she's a labrador. I need a name for her, when I was searching, I found this site!
Submitted by: Blaze007 at 26.02.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Bacause it was my dogs name he was a yellow lab. camo is short for camoflauge
Submitted by: mojo at 24.03.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
White tip tail
Submitted by: Anonymous at 25.03.2007
- Cornflake
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
My cat is this color!
Submitted by: JY at 24.02.2008
- Daisy
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
It was for my yellow lab in nintendogs and she fit it b/cuz of her color
Submitted by: irockyoursocks at 12.06.2007
- Dimples
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
For a happy dog that looks like it is smiling all the time.
Submitted by: BLAH123456789 at 20.02.2008
- Dust Bunny
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
Cause, let's face it,some dogs do look like your hoover bag at the end of a spring-clean.
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 02.07.2007
- Guiness & Harp
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We have 2 black & tan dogs .... these 2 beers mixed together make a black & tan!!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 13.04.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
I adopted a very large female long haired solid white cat from a vets office and her eyes are a gold color and they named her Honey and it fits her perfectly and I feel like she loves to be called this because it is a term of endearment and we certainly love her ALOT!!
Submitted by: kristican03 at 22.04.2007
- India
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
We adopted a kitten and she was the color of India Ink so it just seemed fitting to name her such.
Submitted by: Mom at 22.09.2007
- Marmilade
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
I have a orange tabby and it fits him purrrrfectly
Submitted by: mr.m or marm at 24.04.2008
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
My cat is named Misty, because she is a misty colored kittie-kat.
Submitted by: Sydsie at 03.03.2007
- Mokka
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Because we got a brown coloured cat and then we went to starbucks and ordered a tall mocha wip and then it hit me then we called our cat mokka.
Submitted by: shayanne at 03.09.2007
- Penny
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Penny is a good name for a dog who is copper color.
Submitted by: trixie123 at 04.03.2008
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
My cat is really fat so i came up with puffer.
Submitted by: PUFF at 11.03.2007
- Radar
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We had a German Sheppard puppy, and while he was tiny his feet were huge, as were his ears. Those ears could never seem to both stand up the same way at the same time, always lopsided..like he was tuning in his radar.
Submitted by: Sandi at 15.05.2007
- Ray Ban
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Another adopted cat I owned as a teen was all black with bright gold...not yellow...eyes. He was very spoiled and very vain (he would actually groom himself while looking in a mirror). He would play fetch, loved car rides, and enjoyed fast food. Back in the 80's Rayban sunglasses were popular soOOoooOOo I named him RayBan. Ray for short
Submitted by: mom at 22.09.2007
- Rouge
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Being the French word for "red", it's the ideal name for a ginger cat.
Submitted by: obsessed-with-cats at 04.05.2007
- Shadow
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I had a friend who had a black puppy and that was his name and it really fit him. I thought it was a pretty cool name. Also could be for a black kitten.
Submitted by: ~B~ at 27.04.2007
- Socks
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
It's a great name if your cat has little socks around it's feet. (coloring around it's feet)
Submitted by: bobett at 23.02.2008
- Sox
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
If u have a cat with four white paws.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 12.05.2007
- Tanner
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I had a great dog that we had to give away....He was a tan/brown boxer and he was the best dog I ever had!!!
Submitted by: Q Dogg302 at 07.05.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
Not all cats are born perfect. Some have what could be termed a birth defect. We have a black and white cat, Tuxedo type. She was born with 7 toes on each foot. We named her "toesy".
Submitted by: Fast Eddy at 25.02.2007
- Trinity
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I named my baby tri-color beagle this because she has 3 different colors.
Submitted by: Amy at 04.05.2008
- Tub
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
For a little fatty dog.
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 09.06.2007