- Abby and Angel
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I have a daschund named Abby because when I named her I was thinking about the lady on the TV show NCIS and she is like so cool and I couldnt think of a name for her so I named her Abby!! And I have a Chihuahua named Angel .....which I should have named her something else because she is no angel!
Submitted by: Hollister at 28.04.2007
- Amistosa Sombra
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Amistosa sombra is Spanish for
Submitted by: Anonymous at 02.10.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I recommend this name because it is pretty.
Submitted by: angel at 11.04.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Well when i was younger i read a book called archie follow me and i just LOVED the name Archie. A month later our 11 year old cat died and we got one and named it Archie.
Submitted by: French Fry at 03.03.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
This is a cool name because when someone asks your dogs name you can say ASKUM (Ask-Him) :D
Submitted by: canada at 08.03.2007
- Bailey
Category: Pet - Gender: Female
Its cute for animals.
Submitted by: sparky83 at 16.04.2007
- Barney
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
for a small cute dog thats cute and playfull
Submitted by: Anonymous at 07.10.2007
- Bling-Bling
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Its cute and makes ur pet sound famous like a rapper or something, thats my kitten's name cuz she got a rich owner lol
Submitted by: lil miss bling at 03.07.2007
- Bogo
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
We named our cat bogo we dont kno why but we thoght it was cute. He died 2003 hit by a car. We miss you bob.
Submitted by: bogo at 28.04.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Quality name its my dogs name. Quality name for a quality dog!!
Submitted by: con at 08.08.2007
- Bozzinie
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Because its like the dog had a gang so the name is bozzinie and also that the name is scary like everybody will scared of him.
Submitted by: gitta at 01.11.2007
- Bullet
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I Have a Staffy that i named Bullet, i just think it sounds Tuff.
Submitted by: KeZz at 27.05.2008
- Buttons
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
it is a very good name for a cat i happen to like it alot
Submitted by: wwe randy ortons girl at 24.07.2007
- Cadet
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
If he's a complete nutter.
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 09.07.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
CAGAN is a cool name.
Submitted by: dee at 19.03.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Submitted by: CARCAR at 01.09.2007
- Cauldren
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Because if you cat is black, its a dark name and its a good name for cats who hunt because its like saying that its black like the dark and its a cool name.
Submitted by: kloe at 16.04.2007
- Chaos
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Our cat was just crazy and in constant motion. Our house was always in a state of "total chaos" with this cat around!!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 15.05.2007
- Chaos
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I recommend this name because my pitbull is very though and this name sounds though so we came to a decision and name him Chaos.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 18.06.2007
- Chase
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Good for a running hound,or hunting dog.
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 08.06.2007
- Chester
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
I don't know why. It just fits my cat.
Submitted by: Chester at 13.07.2007
- Chunky Monkey
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
Because of her calico colors of brown. cream and gray.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 02.09.2008
- Clyde
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
It is one of a kind and kool and awesome-er than your pets name.
Submitted by: allie at 25.04.2007
- Coo Coo
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
its cool
Submitted by: poo at 03.11.2007
- Curbby / Kirby
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We find it nice NOT to give a big dog a Bad or Tough name. Curbby sounds like the cool and cute little 6wk old mastiff we have now, and will also be a great name when he is fully grown tipping the scales at 60-70 plus kgs.
Submitted by: Blunty at 10.08.2007
- Dash
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
my dog is called dash and if you are thinking of getting an energetic dog this is the perfect name because my dog just DASHES around the place.
Submitted by: Dash at 23.06.2007
- Deigo or Demon
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
It was my fav name 4 a dog!
Submitted by: chofed at 07.11.2007
- Demon Boy
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Cool name for black cat.
Submitted by: z at 10.10.2007
- Destry
Category: Pet - Gender: Female
It means War-Horse in French..I think its a pretty name..It can be used for a dog..For a male you can change it to Destrian
Submitted by: Rhonda at 30.09.2007
- Dixie cup
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I think you should have the name dixie cup. Another nickname name would be DC!
Submitted by: Dixie at 15.04.2007
- Don
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Beacause it sounds very strong and it means like a very strong leader like in the mafia leader The Don
Submitted by: paco at 28.04.2008
- Doru
Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex
A great name! ;D
Submitted by: Doru at 13.10.2007
- Doyle Stew
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Best dog name ever.
Submitted by: doyleski at 05.06.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
One of my Cats is called Drako. Its the name of the Dragon in Dragon heart and constelation of stars.
Submitted by: Drake at 22.03.2007
- Fidget
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Because our cat's name is Fidget.
Submitted by: Sam at 12.12.2007
- Finder
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
It was the name of a cat who always found anything that was lost.
Submitted by: Julie at 28.03.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
I think, this is a cool name for male cats.
Submitted by: Soren at 25.02.2007
- Friskit
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
I named my FRISKY kitty that because its different!
Submitted by: Cori at 23.05.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
I read this name in a book and it really goes along with white she-cats
Submitted by: Zero2260 at 02.04.2007
- furball
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Submitted by: xx-xx at 26.10.2007
- Gabe
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Just great. Also,if your dog is really thin,call him Skinny Gabe. :)
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 08.06.2007
- Ginger-snap
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Ginger-snap is a cool name, isn't it??
Submitted by: sk8r gal at 14.06.2007
- Gizmo
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
I have this friend and he had a dog named Gizmo and I just thought it was so cute! I mean really, think about it ... "Come here little Gizmo!"
Submitted by: Christadanielle23 at 17.06.2008
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
It was the name of the chinese dog I once had. He looked like a panda so if your dog is panda like I suggest this name.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 27.02.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Submitted by: vick at 21.03.2007
- Jasper
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Submitted by: BANANA at 19.10.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I just got a little Blk toy poodle, and everyone that meet her said
Submitted by: Chrissy at 03.04.2007
- Jinx ,Jinxy
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
Meaning bad luck. The saying when a black cat crosses your path is said to be jinxed.
Submitted by: kittkatt at 20.10.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Because if you have ever seen summer heights high jonah was the naughty one and was messing things up also its a cute male cat name. Or ja'mie becoz in the show was a bit bitchy AND ITS not pronounced as regular jamie it is hyphonated.
Submitted by: kate at 19.01.2008
- Juni
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Juni pronuced: Joo-neeI have a very cute, fluffy, gray little girl kitten. She was the runt of her litter and is diagnosed with dwarf-feline syndrome. It is like a dwarf human. She is 7 months old now and is still very small. She is half the size that her mother was when she was 4 months old. She is very cute.
Submitted by: Jessica Barnes at 27.10.2007
- Kitty
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
Submitted by: Hayce at 21.09.2007
- Lambo
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
because its cool.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 17.08.2008
- Lego
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Because its a cute name.
Submitted by: bob at 28.03.2008
- Lexi
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I just like this name.
Submitted by: I like dogs at 24.10.2007
- Lochie
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I got it out a book. For a red-and-white Border Collie, as the dog in the book is a collie and that is just how I imagined him ..
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 09.06.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I love Japan, and this sounded Japanese.
Submitted by: Kitten at 06.03.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Its cool for a cat that thinks he is everything.
Submitted by: Van at 07.03.2007
- Maddlin
Category: Pet - Gender: Female
Submitted by: maddy at 05.10.2007
- Maximum (Max or Maxi)
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
Because I think it's a pet name and it sounds really cool.
Submitted by: xXSunaxninjaXx at 06.07.2007
- Mercer
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Don't ask me why I like this. Just ace.
Submitted by: Dog-lover at 08.06.2007
- Mercurymars
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
I had a cat named MercuryMars and he was named that because he was so fast. He was a tough guy and I still miss him.
Submitted by: Bubbles at 13.09.2007
- Mica
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
its a lovelly short happy name
Submitted by: lou at 18.06.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Enunciation: Mee sha
Submitted by: Soren at 25.02.2007
- Miloss
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
I chosed that name cause its cool and it really fitts my cat .... and its verry nice 2 and its not that popular ...
Submitted by: biba at 22.08.2008
- Miotta
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
My favorite car!
Submitted by: Phoeb\'s at 09.10.2007
- Mistic
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Submitted by: Mel at 16.08.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Its new and fresh.
Submitted by: chacha at 17.11.2007
- Mooshoo-Rex
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
My son choose this name and I was so proud of his creativity. Great name for a great puppy and he can be called Rex for short.
Submitted by: Rex at 31.12.2007
- Moriko
Category: Pet - Gender: Female
It means " Forest " since most pets re from nature and their home is nature I recommend this name.
Submitted by: Akuri at 25.10.2007
- Mow Mow
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
It sounds cute =]
Submitted by: aLiSoN at 09.08.2008
- Mr Whiskers
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
i named my cat mr whiskers because he is cool
Submitted by: crayzy cattt at 28.07.2007
- Mr. Pockets
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
its original
Submitted by: Mr. S at 15.08.2007
- Mr.Kitty
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
My friend has a siamese cat and we always call him mr kitty.
Submitted by: ryan e at 21.10.2007
- Mystic
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
For a cat who inspires a sense of mystery and wonder. Mostly for a black cat.
Submitted by: Mizhi or Mizzy at 15.09.2007
- Nightmare
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
I like this name cuz my cats name is nightmare and it fits her well!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 04.10.2007
- Nintendo
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
I thought it was cool.
Submitted by: Shadowz at 12.06.2008
- NIque
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
My daughter suggested this name for our black lab puppy, short for Unique.
Submitted by: Softail at 25.09.2007
- Noonoo
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I love Noonoo. He is a huski.
Submitted by: tango at 13.05.2008
- Oreo
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
If your dog is black and white its a good cookie name! try it!! it worked with my dog!
Submitted by: mantha at 06.11.2007
- Pittance
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
Either because the pet was cheap, or is small. Possibly good for a Pit.
Submitted by: Mugsy at 30.09.2007
- Puff
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
As long as the cat is at least somewhat cute, you will smile when you look at it and think of the name.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 06.06.2008
- Purple Sparkle Princess Buttercup Anna Marie Spark
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
A friend of mine named their dog this and got it all put on a collar it was funny.
Submitted by: Phil at 30.09.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
When I was trying to name my puppy, my dad said Ringo and the dog responed.
Submitted by: Angel at 06.03.2007
- Roscoe
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
My Australian Shepherd Roscoe, he died May 2007. Roscoe was a very smart and strong dog, and thought he owned everything, even my dog Maggie Mae!! We miss you boy!
Submitted by: Missmaggie2007 at 22.05.2007
- Ruppie
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Pronunciation (rup-pee). We just randomly started calling my cat this... she's a fat cat too, over 25 pounds!!!!
Submitted by: Chester at 13.07.2007
- Saffy
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
My cat was called saffy he was so cool, he would lie in bed with his legs down and arms out just like a person. He loved fuss but was always interested in what you were doing a fantastic personality.
Submitted by: lou at 21.05.2007
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
This name is for a dog who thinks she runs the show. Origin leader, beautiful.
Submitted by: Alexa at 28.02.2007
- Sena
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
When i got my dog her name was all ready Sena...so i didnĀ“t change it because i like it
Submitted by: devile at 19.05.2007
- Shanay Nay
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Cause my neighbor looks like my dog, she shall be named like my dog
Submitted by: LupItErs at 23.06.2008
- Shanobie
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
My bro thought of this one for his pitbull i just thought SHANOBIE is the coolest name ever!!!
Submitted by: Cynthia at 14.09.2008
- Sidi
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Becasue the name of this probably means something and cute. I just saying Sidi is a cool name for a mixed type of dog or a labador. But im taking the name sorry. He is my baby! Sorry to steal this name Sidi!
Submitted by: Legolas at 13.04.2007
- Simcha
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Nick name is Simi (Simmy). The name means "Joy"
Submitted by: Dog Owner at 08.07.2008
- Sitka
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I just think this name is awesome! And it is a RUSSIA name to.
Submitted by: Piper at 03.02.2008
- Skwert
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
Skwert was the drummer of seminal punk/ska band Choking Victim.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 28.06.2007
- Smoke
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Because i like it.
Submitted by: Tech at 06.06.2008
- Snootlepom
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Submitted by: SNOOPY at 26.06.2007
- Soldier
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Submitted by: JANIE LEE at 09.07.2007
- Space
Category: Pet - Gender: Male
If your pet spaces out a lot... Also,if you think your pet is an alien, go on,use it!
Submitted by: Animal-Adorer at 31.08.2007
- Spare Kitty
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
We have a client who was feeding and caring for a stray cat at her home... the cat eventually just quit leaving and decided to move in... so she named her Spare Kitty, which I think is just perfect.
Submitted by: Jessi at 17.04.2007
- Sparrow
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
My kitten caught a sparrow when we found her, so we decided to name her sparrow.
Submitted by: sacrificekitten at 08.06.2007
- Spike
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
I think a fat cat should be called spike because i have a cat called spike and he can say one word guess.
Submitted by: Tonya Arellano at 16.04.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
Spooky wondered through my catflap one cold winters night, very hungry and VERY timid. The slightest movement or sound made him run away. Now two years later he still hides when visitors call, runs for his life when the bin men come and the door bell has had to be disconnected. Even a door bell on the t.v. startles him. I still cannot pick him up, but when all is quiet he now sneaks onto my bed and gives me big cuddles.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 28.02.2007
- Stinkyfiddler
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
I love my kitty cat very much. He is very silly and cute. The problem is that he really smells, like a fiddler. But that is okay. My grandpa said that the smell would go away one day. So I suggest this name.
Submitted by: max at 24.01.2008
- Striker
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I was out on a walk and a gorgeus Shiba inu ran past and knocked me flying. His owner came over and apologised and said he was a real striker.
Submitted by: BEX at 05.05.2007
- Strixie
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
It means loyal, trusting, companionship, and loving.
Submitted by: Juggalette at 22.09.2007
- Tango
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
Cool for ginger cats, makes a change from marmalaide.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 15.07.2008
- Tempest
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
For a Fiesty, sexy looking, wild, Kitty.
Submitted by: Kimberly at 08.05.2007
- Thunder
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We named our Valley Bull Thunder and he was everyones favorite dog. He was the best. We had him for 10 years then we had to put him down. I really enjoy this name. Now everytime I hear thunder and lightning I think of him.
Submitted by: Jess at 26.05.2007
- Tiger Lilly
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
For dogs with super style!!!!!!!
Submitted by: niamh at 22.08.2007
- Tilly
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
hes cute.
Submitted by: lexi at 08.05.2007
- Timber, Blu,and Bodhi
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Timber and Bodhi are and were German Shepherds. Timber is self explanitory as he knocks us over on a regular basis. Blu is Airdale Terrier. He is darling. Bodhi is in Heaven still being the best dog ever.
Submitted by: sweetpea21 at 16.10.2007
- Trouble, Boueo and Rocky
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Trouble: Well this is my calico's name.She is so funny.And as the name applies she gets in a TON of trouble. When we first got her she tipped over the trash can.She had banna peels on her head.Also had milk caps on her feet.It was sooooo funny.
Boueo: This name is french for pretty and gracious.
Rocky: We found him lying over a rock on the side of the street!=)
Submitted by: kkl at 29.04.2007
- Tweek
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
It's original name.
Submitted by: s at 15.08.2007
- Twinky
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
It is cute for little rodents. I LOVE that name
Submitted by: Al at 10.02.2008
- Vampurra
Category: Cat - Gender: Female
Like Vampira. You could also name a boy cat Vampurr.
Submitted by: Sierra / Sisi at 02.11.2007
- Wango Tango
Category: Pet - Gender: Male
Well really this could be for any pet... i suggest the owner would be a rock and roller type or pet to fit the name... i wouldn't suggest a poodle or a cutey pie pet. Enjoy!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 20.07.2008
- Whamsnapple
Category: Cat - Gender: Male
This is unique and masculine name for unique and much loved cat.
Submitted by: WhamsnappleHAMSNAPPLE at 26.06.2007
- Whipp
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
Because my cats name is whipp and hes very gawjuss and speacial to me
Submitted by: crayon at 04.06.2007
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
It well oringinal
Submitted by: Anonymous at 11.03.2007
- Whiskers McCoy
Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex
This name comes form the gaellic whiskerie mccie meaning to be adorable!
Submitted by: WHISKERO at 26.06.2007
- Winston
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
One of my dog name.
Submitted by: spacecase at 23.04.2007