Scottish Terrier, Silky terrier, Toy fox terrier names. Name ideas for your fox terrier.
Choosing a perfect name for your terrier.
Submit your cute Scottish Terrier, Silky Terrier, Jack Russel Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, English Bull Terrier names here. For people who are buying a Bull Terrier and you don't want a classical name.
Currently there are 51 submissions in the Terrier category.
51 Terrier names:
- Fleckles
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
or Chip, Harry
I had a rat terrier named harry. He was fat fast and pin headed. The most adorable thing ever. I just love those names for small frekled terriers.
Submitted by: AkryanWolf at 01.30.2012
- Abbie
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Abbie is a good strong name. I have a jack russel named Abbie!
Submitted by: Tess at 18.11.2007
- Achilles
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
My boyfriend loves the film troy so when i got my staffie pup we didnt know what to name hin she we picked that.
Submitted by: amy at 02.11.2009
- Addie
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Addie (Adeline). I have a mini schnauzer named Addie. Some ppl say minis aren't really terriers, but she sure acts like one! We like to think the name also sounds German.
Submitted by: Kathryn at 26.10.2007
- Arfa and Marfa
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
This dogs are my mini fox terriers both stand about 7 inches tall have also a dog named clint as he came from the suburb of eastwood.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 01.11.2007
- Bailey
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
A great Irish name for a Boston Terrier.
Submitted by: LTD at 11.25.2010
- Bandit
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
My Jack Russell is white with black spots, his head is brown but he has a black "mask" around his eyes... since he's wild we decided Bandit fit him perfect!
Submitted by: missourijrtmom at 10.03.2009
- Basil
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Basil/Bazil. We used to have an amazing dog called basil who was an airedale. sadly we had to put him down but he was the best hound you could possibly imagine. great name for a very lively dog!
Submitted by: WELOVEYOUBASIL! at 26.10.2007
- Blackie
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
For all types of black Terriers. It sounds great.
Submitted by: Selena3476 at 14.02.2009
- Daisy
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Our puppy is a mixed terrier & when we picked her out her ears were four times the size of her head. They looked like flower petals!
Submitted by: Stespany at 17.12.2008
- Dana
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Because it is a really cute name and I loved it because when I was searching for a name that was the name I picked.
Submitted by: Charlie at 24.01.2010
- Deebo
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I have an English Bull Terrier who bullies every animal he see's into a corner and will not let them do anything until he allows them and he has a fetish for my Deebo slippers. So I named him after the Bully from the movie "Friday" who also wore the same slippers that he loves in the movie.
Submitted by: Sky at 12.24.2010
- Dolly
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
This name is for Jack Russell Terriers. They are not so big not so smalll just right. That was the name of my puppy dog DOLLY!
Submitted by: Puppy Luva at 25.06.2008
- Elvis
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We picked Elvis for our dog because he is a fifth generation dog and the fifth letter of the alphabet is the letter E, so we decided on Elvis. Also, I like people names for a dog, Elvis is perfect.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 11.08.2010
- Etty
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Etty is a vegitarian dog she eats a lot of salad and bananas.
Submitted by: Summer at 02.02.2011
- Finlay
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We thought this was a good scottish name that suited our new little border terrier puppy.
Submitted by: Aghig at 02.23.2012
- Geezer
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Geezer is the name of my beloved english bull terrier! We sadly lost him recently and i wanted to get his great name seen! Its a cool, modern but affectionate name which i choose because im from london where its used as a friendly cockney greeting! As in 'alright Geezer'
Submitted by: Skates at 11.07.2009
- Gertie
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I have female Jack Russell too, Monty's sister. Her full name is Gertrude Abigail.
(Gertrude is German for "maiden warrior") She is a shy dog around others, but turns
into the Axe Maiden - Gertie - when she bosses Monty around.
Submitted by: RileyAmos at 20.04.2010
- Gizmo
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Because my Jack Russell Terrier looks like a gremlin, and his moves are kind of robotic.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 07.09.2008
- Hunter
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I just got my Boston Terrier and Patterdale terrier mix and he has a brindle color and naming him Hunter fits because the Patterdale in him means he is a Hunter and the marking are like a cammo.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 25.05.2010
- Ice
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Because it isn't a name you see every day and your dog won't just be an ordinary dog but your special rare named dog.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 01.01.2008
- Iggy Pup
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Because there is something wild about Jack Russells
Submitted by: Anon at 02.12.2011
- Indianna
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
My English Bull Terrier was named after Indianna Jones as he always has such adventures....just like her!.. Indi felt much more like a girls names than a boys and it just suited her inquisitive nature...and the castastraphes that followed!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 04.09.2008
- Istybisty
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
She is an orphaned pet and i fell that her name should be listed in you page.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 25.08.2007
- Jasper
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
It is an easy name to remember and also easy to say when your calling for your pet. It's a little different than the usual dog names and its pretty.
Submitted by: jasperdoodle at 12.02.2008
- Jilly
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Because our Wheaton Terrier looks like a little bear so we call her Jilly Bear.
Submitted by: Nicki at 08.04.2008
- Kyra
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Kyra is the name of my english bull terrier. (sister of Geezer, who's name i've also suggested in the male terrier names list) i just think its such a pretty and girly name! Although she is quite a tomboy!
Submitted by: Skates at 11.07.2009
- Lauri
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
That name is good for a terrier.
Submitted by: Thurs at 12.10.2007
- Lexcie
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Because it is different and i love it coz its kwl.
Submitted by: char at 27.10.2007
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- Macgregor and Mactavish
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I have Scottish Terriers with these proper Scottish names. A regal Scottie deserves. A regal name. :-)
Submitted by: GPS at 11.08.2010
- Mako
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I have a english bull terrier and when his mouth is open he looks like a shark.
Submitted by: rae at 15.03.2010
- Max
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
It is a classic and simple name.
Submitted by: we love max<3 at 04.04.2010
- Merry
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
My staffy is called merry and it suits him because he's so happy, and also its and individual name so its quite unique- you don't really hear that name at all!
Submitted by: Ilovemydoggiemerry! at 24.07.2009
- Monty
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
I have a Jack Russell Terrier...His full name is Montague Emmett...Monty is perfect
for him because he likes to throw himself on his back for belly rubs, exposing
"The Full Monty"...
Submitted by: RileyAmos at 20.04.2010
- Ozzy
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Ozwald, Ozwaldean. My English Bull Terrier.
Submitted by: Gert_89 at 09.11.2009
- Rania
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
My old dog's name.
Submitted by: Poly at 02.06.2008
- Rocky
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Rocky is a great name for a Cairn Terrier. The word cairn means: a heap of stones set up as a landmark, monument, tombstone. "heap of stones" or "rocky hill".
Submitted by: kubbyp at 15.10.2008
- Sabre
Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex
This name is the best names ever it kicks butt!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 16.12.2007
- SnoopDog the snooper
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
My Chiuah/Jack Russell mix gets into EVERTHING, he snoops all the time. We even found him snoopin under our bed up in the mattress!!
Submitted by: Cssummer at 02.02.2011
- Snowflake
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Good name for West Highland White Terriers, because they are all white!
Submitted by: Anonymous at 13.04.2009
- Sprite
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
For Fox terriers - Because they are hyper active "sprightly" dogs and can leap upto several feet in the air.
Submitted by: Mig at 05.01.2010
- Tamara
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Because she is the most happy doggie in the world, I select Tamara as her name. Tamara is as special as her name. A very cute dog, intelligent and smart.
Submitted by: Lulu at 02.06.2011
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I was thinking one day for my puppy's name and thought Taz it just fit him perfectly cause he is a small and wirey little thing!
Submitted by: Joe at 09.12.2007
- Tess
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
This name means harvester and Terriers love to dig
Submitted by: Regcraft at 22.09.2007
- Tigg
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
My Jack Russell is solid white with one black patch around her eye and she reminded me od the dog off of Open Range.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 04.18.2011
- Tink
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
Great name for a female Toy Fox Terrier!
Submitted by: Doglover17 at 13.03.2008
- Todd
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
We had an Airedale Terrier named Todd. My son was 4 when we got him and named him after a character in the Disney movie the Fox and the Hound. He was very royal looking and the name was perfect. He was the best dog ever.
Submitted by: Anonymous at 02.06.2011
- Travis
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
I think the band is nearly as cool as my staffie! My son also thinks it's cool because the tractor in Bob the Builder is called that too! Excellent compromise!
Submitted by: fifi at 08.12.2007
- Tucker
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Is the name of my cairn terrier (aka todo if you don't know the breed) I thought it was the perfect boy dog name and its very fitting just by looking @ him. Its a clasic name. I was also thinkin of maybe Charlie or Brody which work well too but Tucker won my heart <3
Submitted by: B - short for brandOn at 05.02.2009
- Viking
Category: Dog - Gender: Female
She's my baby. She's a strong tough girl. I just love this name. It really indicates the toughness of bullies!
Submitted by: Bianca at 11.03.2010
- Wolfgang Amadeus the Gran Funk Funkenmeister the 3
Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Do your Mr Show research. He's our Aussie Terrier.
Submitted by: Willdog at 01.03.2010
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