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Dog names, names for puppies

Only dog names here!

This category is for dog names. These names will do best with dogs but may do OK with other animals too. This category will be a variety of good dog names.



57 visitor submitted Dog names:

  • Amy
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    It means: One who is Loved
    Submitted by: Anonymous at 24.08.2007

  • Avalanche
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Avalanche is after the colarado Avalanches..... And they RULE!!!! So we named our Golden Retreiver Avalanche.
    Submitted by: Amanda at 30.09.2007

  • Avery
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    My dogs name is Avery. Hes a Yellow Lab.
    Submitted by: Sami at 01.11.2007

  • Benson
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Its regal, for a big dog.
    Submitted by: Sandra Wright at 30.09.2007

  • Bollox
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Because he has big un`s hanging behind him !!!
    Submitted by: Anonymous at 10.11.2007

  • Brodie
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Border Collie - from the Scottish
    Submitted by: Di at 17.09.2007

  • Brustsu
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 25.08.2007

  • Buddy
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    I think the name Buddy would be a good name because dogs are buddies. Dogs can be playful or energetic, sweet or snuggly, but no matter what the personality, Buddy would be a great name for a good dog.
    Submitted by: Katie at 19.06.2007

  • Chezza
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Name from Wolf's Rain.
    Submitted by: Bordercolle at 27.10.2007

  • Coco Chanel
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Its sexy!
    Submitted by: a-rod at 18.10.2007

  • Domino
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Well my brother and i got a lab, chow mix puppy for christmas a couple of years back and we named him domino because he had spots on his tounge that made it look like a domino.
    Submitted by: Anonymous at 04.09.2007

  • Electra, Infinity
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    I have 8 yorkies. 2 of the girls have these names.
    Submitted by: yorkiemom at 28.09.2007

  • Ella,Bella,Kiki,Misty,Mia,Cleo,Tara
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Because these are my seven gorgous puppys.
    Submitted by: Mikki at 26.09.2007

  • Freckles
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    I think it a cute name for a spotted dog!
    Submitted by: Trainwreck1995 at 29.09.2007

  • Ginger
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Because I have a dog named ginger who is really sweet.
    Submitted by: ging at 12.10.2007

  • Indigo
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    We just got a cute Blue Heeler puppy. We thought of Blue but that reminded us of the cartoon dog show. Indigo was a good alternative.
    Submitted by: BobJoe at 15.07.2007

  • Jazz
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    I had a dog named Jazz and he was named for my grandma who sings jazz music.
    Submitted by: Anonymous at 25.10.2007

  • Jumanji
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    The name of the movie.
    Submitted by: TheWraith at 23.08.2007

  • KING
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Submitted by: K at 02.10.2007

  • Kyah
    Category/Gender: Female Pet names

    i think thats a good name because i have a dog thas very nice that has that name
    Submitted by: lexie at 08.11.2007

  • Lace, Lacey
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    well my dog is just a little puppy, but she holds herself in a very lady-like way. she is so polite, when you feed her food she won't eat it untill you leave the room. she has not bit anyone and does not bark all that often:] she is just a little angel.
    Submitted by: Lacey at 23.06.2007

  • lIBBY
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    THIS IS MY DOGS NAME. . . . <333 <333333
    Submitted by: LASSEY at 01.09.2007

  • Link
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    It is my dogs name and he is adorable!
    Submitted by: Link at 22.09.2007

  • Loki
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    God of Mischief
    Submitted by: TheWraith at 23.08.2007

  • Lowell
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    We adopted "Lowell" from the Humane Society of New York(bless those guys!!!), he's a chihuahua that was returned twice, we had been thinking of names before we picked him up, we settled on Cooper, they were calling him Lowell Jr after the tech that takes care of them, after meeting him, we couldn't change the name, he's a saint, it's our small way of honoring him. Lowell Sr said his mother had read a book and saw the name Lowell in it, I don't know which book. Anyway, we also call him Lolito.
    Submitted by: Anonymous at 15.07.2007

  • Lug Nut
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Big headed or large dog
    Submitted by: Trueheartk9 at 25.09.2007

  • Lulu
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    this is for little girl puppy ,it sound so cute!
    Submitted by: gia at 17.09.2007

  • Mia
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    it just so cute for a little dog
    Submitted by: jd at 30.09.2007

  • Mia
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    This dog is a minature pincher she's really annoying but my mom loves her.
    Submitted by: Ally at 25.10.2007

  • Midnight
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    This is a name for a dog thats az black as a night
    Submitted by: Yung pit at 09.10.2007

  • Mika
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Its different and cute i think it would fit any puppy perfectly
    Submitted by: kye at 20.06.2007

  • Raelia
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Because i named my dog this name and i think its absolutly adorable
    Submitted by: ALia at 10.09.2007

  • Ralph
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 16.09.2007

  • Ranger
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    I don't know, it was just the name I came up for him when he started following me around.
    Submitted by: Rainy, Rain, Rainy Boy at 24.08.2007

  • Richie
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    its adorable
    Submitted by: Anonymous at 16.09.2007

  • Riley
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 23.09.2007

  • Roxi...Barni..and Mixie
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    I have to cockatiels named Roxi..& Barni and a budgie named Mixie... We was guna call Mixie Jasper or Bluey but has a mox of colours mainly blue with yellow on the side of the face and tail...i have also had a bugie named Bluey Jessie Polly Slyvester & other 3 cockatiels were named jestar sparki and sparkles....
    Submitted by: Jojo at 22.09.2007

  • Rupert
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 16.09.2007

  • Scooter
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    My dog always scooted on the floor.
    Submitted by: TAYLOR at 21.08.2007

  • Shaboom
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    Shaboom loved for me to sing the song to her.
    Submitted by: jrs at 02.11.2007

  • Shadow
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    Because it's fit a black dog that sticks to you like glue.
    Submitted by: Buzzy at 26.08.2007

  • Shelby
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    I love this name
    Submitted by: mightysponge76 at 04.10.2007

  • Shyloh
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Shyloh is a good name for a strong, beautiful dog.
    Submitted by: B at 06.10.2007

  • Skully
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    It makes it sound tough
    Submitted by: ccojo at 19.09.2007

  • Skully
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    It makes it sound tough
    Submitted by: ccojo at 19.09.2007

  • Soccer
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    My friends dog likes to play wid soccer balls so she named him soccer!!:)
    Submitted by: socc65 at 28.06.2007

  • Sparky
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    This was my old dog I loved her!!!
    Submitted by: Ally at 25.10.2007

  • Speedbump
    Category/Gender: Unisex Dog names

    Just because it's an awesome name
    Submitted by: Pothole at 29.09.2007

  • Spot
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Because he has spots on him.
    Submitted by: tay at 28.06.2007

  • Tanner
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Submitted by: MOOK at 31.10.2007

  • Tera
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Name she had when we got her and we liked it.
    Submitted by: Person at 15.07.2007

  • Tobin
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Tobin from "Tobin hot dogs".
    Submitted by: deedee at 08.11.2007

    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Submitted by: CHLOE at 18.08.2007

  • Trouble
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    It is cool.
    Submitted by: gymnast2004 at 23.08.2007

  • Tuff
    Category/Gender: Male Cat names

    It is a good name for big cats.
    Submitted by: andy milonakis at 20.06.2007

  • Wichita
    Category/Gender: Female Dog names

    Wee-chi-tah is how the indians said the name of my city wichita falls texas.
    Submitted by: shelby at 30.09.2007

  • Yoshi
    Category/Gender: Male Dog names

    Hes a keeshound very fluffy and cute and that named poped in my head straight away and i love it , it suits him very well.
    Submitted by: kittymeow at 14.07.2007

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